The possibilities

Sam Aaron has created a wonderful live coding tool Sonic-Pi targeting the Raspberry-Pi, and educational usage, but it can be installed/used on other desktops, and enjoyed by anyone. Part of the attraction is the gorgeous interface, but the main selling point is the live-coding that gives instant feedback. Now it was hell of a lot of work to create that gorgeous interface. I can’t see anyone doing that for JRubyArt, although Tyfkda-san seems to have revived his interest in creating a ruby mode for the processing ide (a somewhat less gorgeous ide in my opinion), but part of the unique selling point of ruby-processing/JRubyArt is the pseudo-live coding. Interestingly it might be possible to have real live coding (but only for code in the draw loop) that could provide a graphical complement to Sonic-Pi. See Sam Aaron explaining live-coding with Sonic-Pi on youtube.

Current work

I have somewhat refactored JRubyArt with the view to making it more amenable to change (taking some inspiration from 99-bottles of OOP by Sandi Metz and Katrina Owen), but it is very much a work in progress. I am also experimenting with a different approach for watch that could be the basis for live coding in the draw loop.

The opportunities

I am sure Tyfkda-san would appreciate some help with the ruby processing mode, I am somewhat otherwise engaged. There is the possibility of hooking up JRubyArt to the atom editor as has been done for vanilla processing, which would surely make JRubyArt a more attractive option. I have already updated my jEdit for processing package, but there is an opportunity of updating the textmate/sublime ruby-processing bundles for use with JRubyArt. Vim and emacs users should already know what to do?

Other opportunities are the creation/re-introduction of application export, or the creation of a version to run on the raspberry-pi possibly as a standalone app that would not require installing of Oracle java.