It is an unfortunate truth that java reflection methods are popular with both processing developers and the developers of supporting libraries. It is unfortunate because we have to go through hoops to use these methods in JRubyArt (and ruby-processing). The captureEvent and videoEvent are examples of reflection methods from the processing video developers. But we have made these readily available to JRubyArt users as a simple library load load_library :video_event. This is what you would do (if we had not created the video_event library):-

  • create a java class VideoInterface
  • compile the java class (including classpath)
  • create a jar (and place it in the same folder as your sketch)
  • modify the sketch to both require the jar and to include the interface.

See javadoc here

package monkstone.videoevent;
 * This interface makes it easier/possible to use the reflection methods
 * from Movie and Capture classes in Processing::App in JRubyArt
 * @author Martin Prout
public interface VideoInterface {
     * Used to implement reflection method in PApplet
     * @see
     * @param movie Movie
    public void movieEvent(Movie movie);
     * Used to implement reflection method in PApplet
     * @see
     * @param capture Capture
    public void captureEvent(Capture capture);    

To match packaging the java file needs to be nested in monkstone/videoevent folders (it is unwise not to have a package) and compile and jar as follows, requires jdk8+.

# NB: classpath needs to be a fully qualified path to jars (not as below)
javac -cp video.jar:core.jar monkstone/videoevent/

jar -cvf video_event.jar monkstone

See below a sketch which using this VideoEvent interface, see the version using the JRubyArt provided :video_event library here


require_relative 'video_event'
load_libraries :video
include_package ''

include Java::MonkstoneVideoevent::VideoInterface

attr_reader :cam, :my_shader

def setup
  sketch_title 'Black & White Capture'
  @my_shader = load_shader('bwfrag.glsl')
  start_capture(width, height)

def start_capture(w, h)
  @cam =, w, h)

def draw
  image(cam, 0, 0)
  return if mouse_pressed?

# using snake case to match java reflection method
def captureEvent(c)

def settings
  size(960, 544, P2D)

Now where this knowledge becomes really useful, is when you want to use another library, say the vanilla processing carnivore library whose packetEvent method also depends on java relection. Here is a suitable CarnivoreListener class.

package monkstone;

* Best to use a package to avoid namespace clashes, create your own
public interface CarnivoreListener {
  * @param packet the CarnivorePacket, a reflection method
  public void packetEvent(org.rsg.carnivore.CarnivorePacket packet);  

Which we compile as before

# NB: classpath needs to be a fully qualified path to jar (not as below)
javac -cp carnivore.jar monkstone/

jar -cvf carnivore_listener.jar monkstone

Here is an example sketch:-


# A Simple Carnivore Client -- print packets in Processing console
# Note: requires Carnivore Library for Processing (
# + Windows:  first install winpcap (
# + Mac:      first open a Terminal and execute this commmand: sudo chmod 777 /dev/bpf*
#             you need to do this each time you reboot Mac
# + Linux:    run with difficulty (run with sudo rights arghh!!!) also install libpcap 

load_library :carnivore
include_package 'org.rsg.carnivore'
java_import 'org.rsg.lib.Log'
require_relative 'carnivore_listener'

include Java::Monkstone::CarnivoreListener

attr_reader :c

def settings
  size(600, 400)

def setup
  sketch_title 'Carnivore Example'
  @c =
  Log.setDebug(true) # comment out for quiet mode
  # c.setVolumeLimit(4) #limit the output volume (optional)
  # c.setShouldSkipUDP(true) #tcp packets only (optional)

def draw

# Called each time a new packet arrives
def packetEvent(p)
  puts(format('(%s packet) %s > %s', p.strTransportProtocol, p.senderSocket, p.receiverSocket))
  # puts(format('Payload: %s', p.ascii))
  # puts("---------------------------\n")

Read more about calling java from ruby including reflection here.