JRubyArt like vanilla processing supports minamalist static sketches:-

The simplest sketch that will run is an empty file, this is the next simplest

background 200, 0, 0 # red background

But you can do a bit better than that:-

background 0 # black background
fill 200, 0, 0 # red fill
ellipse 75, 75, 100, 70 # ellipse at center 

You can even exploit JRubyArt class code wrapping to create animations with minimal code:-

S, V, D = 400, [], 0.02

def draw
  S.times { |a| V << [a, rand * S]; g = noise(V[a][0] * D, V[a][1] * D) * 6; point(V[a][0] += sin(g), V[a][1] += cos(g))}