Recently processing and p5*js have been promoted as ways to teach programming to kids. I have never thought either language to be particulary suitable for such a task despite the obvious enthusiasm (and almost infectious enthusiasm) of Lauren McCarthy and Dan Shiffman. I wasn’t even particulary interested in coding for kids apart from an experimental project by Marcel Bellidin which uses ruby-processing to create a simple live coding environment for kids, that was in part inspired by Bret Victor. Now I could easily update Marcel Bellidin code to work with propane (or even JRubyArt), but I though I would follow the link to Bret Victor to find what had inspired the original work. It was then that I found he is not at all impressed with processing as tool for teaching kids, indeed so much so he wrote a lengthy post critizing the khan academy approach and the related link to his blog by John Resig.

What drew me back to the Marcel Bellidin project was SonicPi which seems to tick most of the boxes when it comes to a kid friendly coding environment. I think it is interesting that ruby was chosen for SonicPi, that was aimed at kids in the first place (as I understood processing was originally designed with artists in mind?). The SonicPi GUI is clean simple and feedback is approximately immediate. I am sure we could do a better job (than vanilla processing or javascript) in ruby (albeit using processing in the background). Here is an early idea, that would support the OO style of coding (ruby took some inspiration from Smalltalk, I seem to remember something to do with frogs in the OU toolkit) PS: this is only an idea, but named parameters (ie for humans not machines, has to be a good thing?):-

Now let me first say I’ve not read mindstorms which is recommended reading (by Bret Victor), nor do I have inclination or time, but ruby is surely a better starting point to teach kids than a clipped version of java.

#!/usr/bin/env jruby
require 'propane'

## code written by a programmer ########################################
## implementation should be hidden but interface documented
class Rectangle
  attr_reader :xpos, :ypos, :width, :height

  def initialize(xpos:, ypos:, width:, height:)
    @xpos, @ypos, @width, @height = xpos, ypos, width, height

  def draw
    $app.fill 0, 0, 200 # color could be another parameter `fill state` is a concept too far
    $app.rect(xpos, ypos, width, height)

class Simple < Propane::App

  ## code written by a programmer ########################################
  def clear_screen
    background 0
  def settings
    size 600, 600

  def setup
    sketch_title 'Simple'

  def draw
    ## literate code
    clear_screen # explicitly clear screen
    fred =
      xpos: mouse_x,
      ypos: mouse_y,
      width: 40,
      height: 40
    fred.draw # send message draw to fred