Animated Ray Tracing for JRubyArt and Propane
Sunflow is an open source global illumination rendering system written in Java written by Christopher Kulla. I have recently updated to build with maven using jdk-8 and to use the latest janino jars. I have created a gem to make sunflow rendering easily available to JRubyArt and propane users using Joon Hylub Lees joons-renderer see github)
test.rb (JRubyArt Sketch)
require `joonsrenderer`
include_package 'joons'
attr_reader :jr, :eye, :center, :up, :count, :radius, :file_name
def settings
size(800, 600, P3D)
def setup
sketch_title 'Animation'
@file_name = 'Animation'
@jr =
# Camera Setting.
@eye =, 0, 120)
@center =, 0, -1)
@up =, 1, 0)
@count = 0
@radius = 35
def draw
jr.render # The draw loop that comes next is rendered
jr.begin_record # Make sure to include things you want rendered.
kamera(eye: eye, center: center, up: up)
perspektiv(fov: PI / 4.0, aspect_ratio: 4 / 3.0, near_z: 5, far_z: 10_000)
jr.background('cornell_box', 100, 100, 100) # Cornell Box: width, height, depth.
jr.background('gi_ambient_occlusion') # Global illumination.
# Sun.
translate(0, -15, 0)
jr.fill('light', 1, 60, 60)
# Planet, revolving at +3 degrees per frame.
translate(radius * DegLut.cos(count * 3), 0, radius * DegLut.sin(count * 3))
jr.end_record # Make sure to end record.
# Display rendered image if render is completed, and the argument is true.
save_frame(format("%s%s", file_name, "_###.png"))
@count += 1
no_loop if (count > 120)
The Animated Ray Trace Sketch
Now you hava a bunch of *.png
images that you need to zip up to create a video
png2yuv -j Animation_%0.3d.png -f 25 -I p -b 1 > tmp.yuv # zip it all up
ffmpeg2theora --optimize --videobitrate 16778 -o Animation.ogv tmp.yuv # convert